Accessibility Information – Security

Disability illustration for website - croppedAt least a third of our church members have a disability, and many of us have more than one, even if we don’t think of ourselves as disabled. Our most prevalent issues involve mobility and hearing loss. Using a cane or wheelchair makes some disabilities obvious.  Others, such as allergies and chemical sensitivities, may be hidden.

We hope everyone will take an interest in this topic because the actions of one person can affect accessibility for another. Also, any of us could develop a problem, either temporary or permanent.

Everyone is encouraged to read the UUA Web pages on accessibility at

We strive to make our church as accessible as we can. To learn more or to speak with someone about accessibility at UUCT, please leave a message on the church phone at (813) 988-8188. The earlier you speak with us, the more effectively we can assist you.

Don’t drive? Contact us if you need a ride to church. We will work to arrange one.

Chairs in the sanctuary:  Please put some chairs without arms at the end of aisles for people who need them. (But leave some chairs with arms at the end of aisles for people who need that type of chair.) Leave the last two seats on the aisles for those who need them. This will make it easier for people with disabilities and those who need to get up during the service.

Need a wheelchair? We have one available.

People in wheelchairs:  Chairs in the sanctuary can be moved to accommodate wheelchairs.

Restrooms in the large Dome  are gender neutral, one of them is ADA compliant and has a changing table.  The restrooms in the Education Building are accessible.

Flash photography:  Some people are sensitive to bright, flickering light and/or flash photography. If you want to take flash pictures, please contact the accessibility committee, the service convener, or the worship leader so that we can make appropriate arrangements.

Perfume, cologne, and aftershave:  Please refrain from using these products when you come to UUCT. Their scents can cause problems for people with allergies, asthma, migraines, or multiple chemical sensitivities.

Food:  Some people have food allergies or dietary requirements. Don’t be concerned if people ask you about the ingredients in a dish you bring to a potluck. If you don’t mind the extra work, you can write down the ingredients in dishes you bring. And if you have a food allergy or special dietary needs, please speak up!

Name tags:  Please wear them whenever you come on campus for any activity! Some of us don’t have good memories, and new members are joining UUCT all the time.


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