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Hillsborough Organization for Progress & Equality 
Want to Make a Difference? Join UUCT’s Justice Ministry!
Our church along with along with 24 other multicultural Faith Communities from throughout Hillsborough County congregations comprise the Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality (HOPE).
Together we work for justice, fairness, and equality in our community.
HOPE’s mission is to promote justice, fairness, and the dignity of people, by engaging and training community members to effectively, responsibly and successfully act together to hold officials accountable to achieve a long-term resolution to serious community problems and to improve the systems affecting the quality of life in our communities. We do that by a) training residents to identify common community problems experienced by families and neighbors, b) meeting with local experts and decision makers to better understand the problems and identify long-term solutions, and c) take action to hold decision-makers accountable to implement the long-term systemic solutions.
HOPE’s Long-range goals are about:
- Strengthening the ability of members to act on their values of love, respect, fairness, and dignity of people.
- Engaging members in listening and relationship building to identify and prioritize common community problems;
- Enhancing the skills of members to connect with others to build the power needed to hold our social, political and economic systems accountable for fair policies and procedures that ensure justice;
- Correcting inequities in education, housing, healthcare, employment, criminal justice, transportation, public services, police protection, and neighborhood infrastructure.
For more information concerning HOPE’s current Issues and its successes since 1988, please see: or
Or contact, Candy Gale or Robert Boileau, or one of the following HOPE’s Organizers: Sharon Streater,; and/or Kaitlyn Hicks,
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