Religious Exploration for Children
Religious Exploration, RE for short, is UUCTs Children Religious Education program. Our committee and team are dedicated to finding the best ways to educate and meet the needs of our children and families. Families who are interested in having their children participate in our program are asked to complete the RE Registration form and returning it to Aileen Habel our RE Coordinator, Judy Lane our RE Chairperson or scanning and email it to us at re@uutampa.org.
1st Sunday in Service RE
RE is excited to announce that on the 1st Sunday of the month we will have an area in the sanctuary dedicated to our children. This change will give families with children of all ages the opportunity to worship together.
RE for Children and Youth
For Sundays other than the 1st Sunday, RE will be providing childcare and weekly sessions. We are calling this One Room RE. On these Sundays we will be welcoming children over 3 years of age and are potty trained. These sessions will be held in the multi-purpose building starting at 10:30 am. Parents are welcome to hang out as well, especially if your child is shy or new to UUCT.
Wiggle Room (Right next to the Minister’s Office)
The Wiggle Room is a welcoming space for restless babies and toddlers that gives their caregivers a place to still be able to hear the service. It is stocked with toys, rocking chairs, and a changing table. Families with children up to 4 years old are welcome to visit the Wiggle Room. It is currently unstaffed, but we hope to increase our volunteer pool so that we can extend our childcare.
Soulful Home: If you can’t make it to a live RE session (or even if you can) you may want to engage with the monthly theme by accessing a packet of materials at home. The packets include stories, games, discussion topics, action invitations, craft ideas, and links for further family exploration.
Volunteers Opportunities: We are actively recruiting volunteers that have been known by the RE Coordinator, congregation, and/or minister for a minimum of 6 months, pass a background check and enjoy sharing the time and talents with children. If you meet these requirements and can spare a couple of hours on Sunday, let us hear from you.
For questions and more information, contact the RE Committee: re@uutampa.org
The Role of Parents and Caretakers
Arrive on time and come to church regularly. Children develop a sense of belonging by attending regularly. They get to know their peers and we get to know them if they are here often. Follow the activities of your child’s class. Talk to your child about what is happening in class. Talk to the RE Coordinator and teachers. Talk to your child about things that matter. You are their primary religious educator. Tell your children about your beliefs and what you value. Be a good listener to your children. Let them know that their ideas and thoughts are of interest to you. Participate in intergenerational activities. Spending time with members of the congregation at dances, dinners, and gatherings other than Sunday Services helps strengthen our UU community. Share your time and ideas. Our program needs the energy and creativity of many people in order to be a success.
Our Seven Principles in Simple Language
- Every person is important and valuable.
- All people should be treated fairly.
- Our churches are places where we should accept one another and learn together.
- Each person should be free to search for what is true and right.
- All people have the right to speak out and vote on things that matter to them.
- We should help build a peaceful, fair, and free world.
- We need to take care of the earth, the home we share with all living things.
Philosophy of Religious Exploration (RE)
Unitarian Universalist Religious Exploration is a lifelong process that facilitates each individual’s path of spiritual growth and promotes an understanding of how to live our principles and values. It extends beyond the classroom and is dependent upon the whole congregation’s support and participation. The goal of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa religious exploration program is to provide a safe space to explore, question, wonder, listen and reflect in a joyful, affirming environment. We envision children, youth, and adults who:
- Know they are lovable beings of infinite worth, imbued with powers of the soul, and obligated to use their gifts, talents, and potentials in the service of life
- Affirm that they are part of a Unitarian Universalist religious heritage and community of faith that has value and provides resources for living
- Accept that they are responsible for the stewardship and creative transformation of their religious heritage and community of faith
- Realize that they are moral agents, capable of making a difference in the lives of other people, challenging structures of social and political oppression, promoting the health and well-being of the planet, acting in the service of diversity, justice, and compassion
- Recognize the need for community, affirming the importance of families, relationships, and connections between and among the generations
- Appreciate the value of spiritual practice as a means of deepening faith and integrating beliefs and values with everyday life
- Experience hope, joy, mystery, healing, and personal transformation in the midst of life’s challenges
Child Safety
At UUCT, we take children’s safety very seriously. Please click here to learn more about our congregation’s Child and Youth Protection Manual.
Stay in Touch – Stay Informed
Educating our children is everybody’s responsibility, whether or not we have children ourselves. If you are thinking of coming to UUCT for the first time, considering joining the church, or are a longtime member, we want to hear how you can help enrich our Religious Exploration program. Please get in touch with us by:
- Attending a Sunday service (or any other activity) and filling out a visitor information card
- E-mailing UUCT at info@uutampa.org
- Contact our Religious Exploration Coordinator for Children and Youth, at re@uutampa.org . If you do not receive a response within 72 hours, please contact the Chairperson Judy Lane, or any member of the RE Committee directly.
Family Resources
– This page will be updated frequently with links to resources and connection opportunities –
– Please share resources you think may be useful to re@uutampa.org –
Sparkle Stories : Gentle, loving audio stories. They have stories for addressing anxiety!
Flamingo Rampant – Facebook Live Story Time
Queer Kid Stuff : Adorable and informative videos
Soulful Home Packets : Email for access re@uutampa.org
Reflection Press – Awesome gender identity curriculum and books. I have used these in our church classes. Look at Free Stuff and For Kids! for at home resources.
Good and Cheap : Eating Well on $4 a Day
Simple and filling recipes with easy to source ingredients. This cookbook is a FREE PDF created originally to help those utilizing food stamps and food assistance eat well on a budget. The recipes are yummy and easy. Good for kids and adults!