SCHEDULED EVENTS (Click to see what’s happening This Week/Next Week.)
- The UUCT Monday Night mUUsic Group meets the second Monday of the month; at 7:30 pm in the Large Dome. In the spirit of old-time hootenanny’s and good-time jam sessions, this is an informal gathering of musicians, vocalists, and just plain music lovers who want to make or listen to mUUsic. Everyone is welcome, regardless of ability.
[Zoom and in-person) The UU Mindfulness Meditation Group: Tuesday at 6:00 pm. These are two twenty-minute meditations with five-minute walking meditation between them. A short Loving-Kindness recitation is practiced. We close with a short reading and discussion. All are welcome. Contact: Grant Wilson and Diana Stevens;
- Choir Rehearsals are held every week on Wednesday Night starting at 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm, Contact person: James Hemphill,
- A Women’s Drum Circle: meets on the 4th Thursday of each month in the multi-purpose building for lunch and drumming: 11:00 am Our UUCT drum circle will also promote community by starting at noon with a bring-your-own brown bag luncheon and, of course, checking in with our sisters for fun and support.
- Fridays~
POTLUCK & GAME NIGHT, third Friday of the Month; we meet in the main room in Multi-Purpose Bldg., 6:30-9:00’ish. – If you haven’t been to Game Night recently, come on out – it’s a lot of fun. Make new friends or hang out with old ones. Potluck starts at 6:30 and is cleaned up by about 7:15 to let the games begin. Come play Mexican Train Dominoes (a perennial favorite) or other games of your choice. For questions, email
- Circles in the Woods CUUPS: Registration is needed to attend this event. All Circles in the Woods CUUPS activities are open to the public and held at UUCT. The only cost is a love donation. Families with children are welcome. No pets, please. Plan to stay to socialize afterward. Bring a dish to share. For more information about Circles in the Woods CUUPS, e-mail Check the CUUPS Calendar for details on CUUPS events.
- UUCT Book Club meets monthly on the Second and Fourth Saturday of the month: 3:00 pm click here: Zoom meeting link / Meeting ID: 865 9887 3568 – Passcode: bookclub
- Buildings and Grounds Clean-Up Day meets on the second Saturday of the month: 9:00 am – noon
- Al-Anon meets in the multi-purpose building on Saturdays at 10:30 am each week. For additional information about Al-Anon in Hillsborough County, call 813-881-9372 or visit us on the web at
Healing and Moving Forward Survey results are in!
Many thanks to the 63 people who responded to the survey. By most accepted standards, that is an excellent response.
The results have been collated and are now available to the church community. The board has had the opportunity to review the results and they are now available to the greater community. The links below will take you to tables and comments from survey respondents.
Thank you to everyone who completed the survey, sent comments, or replied with more extensive observations.