A Month of Services

Sunday Services for February.

Sunday, February 2, 2025
Service at 10:30 am
Rev. Dr. Doak Mansfield
“Mr Lincoln’s God”
A remembrance of the secular saint, Christ-like Savior, of our nation. Rev. Doak will share a bit of his bio and a bit of his understanding of Mr. Lincoln’s theology (beliefs and behaviors that are ultimate)


Sunday,February 9, 2025
Service at 10:30 am
Rev. Dr. Doak Mansfield
“Love and other Absurd Sentiments”
A review of the categories of “love” and how they impact who we are and how our expressions influence the shared life.


Sunday, February 16, 2025
Service at 10:30 am
Guest Speaker – Rev. Bob Murphy
“Flamingo Theology”
Rev. Murphy will talk about religious lessons learned in the wilds. Flamingo birds, in particular, provide some religious lessons. It’s close to Charles Darwin’s birthday. Darwin was a Unitarian. His thinking is still very influential in liberal religion. However, Darwin has been interpreted in different ways by the liberals and the different interpretations will be discussed.


Sunday, February 23, 2025
Service at 10:30 am
Rev. Dr. Doak Mansfield
It may seem that real loyalty is a quaint sentiment outdated and frivolous. Rev. Doak will consider such notions.

On the last Sunday of the month, following this service: Conversations with The Board. Members of the Board of Trustees will be present for conversation after church today from 11:45 to 12 p.m. The purpose is to open communication and share ideas. Come with questions and ideas but always with an open mind.